"kun omenan sijaan tarttuu avokadoon, syrjähypyn puhdistavuutta", kirjoitti tarleena. mutta entä jos ottaa molemmat. onko se sitten sitä kakun syömistä ja pitämistä myös. mutta nehän on hedelmiä.
today my b(o)yfriend took off his septum and i took photos of him for his job application and we investigated our plant for possible lice and pondered upon how we should make the plant grow. and that was my tuesday, pretty much.
he couldn't raise a smile, not for a while, and he's a failure now. today i bummed a cigarette from my brother. it was the first time he saw me smoke. we talked about important things and alcohol and the feeling of detachment. and about his habit of spending fifteen thousand crowns in a weekend.