
the problem with all these fiercely individualistic girls was that they were all exactly the same

this weekend i spent at popaganda, surfing between different friends. though i was a bit sick i, as a true trooper with the help of painkillers and porridge (i really do love porridge), fixed my hair and wore red lipstick and to summarize the festival:
- arcade fire was fantastic
- lykke li a disappointment
- säkert! was lovely
- midlake a very welcome new acquaintance
- i was penniless and hungry, overdosed on them free dr peppers
- i was once again amazed by how gorgeus people here look

now i will return to my finncrisps and some fantastically overdramatic tv-show.

(and i still quote david nicholls, actually even in real life, when talking. and on friday i got the nicest of compliments as a girl told me that i have the loveliest way of talking, calm, soothing and soft, so i got very flattered and happy and from now on i'll do my best to be talking at all times, to babble out all them quotes i know by heart because i will surely run out of own thoughts terribly quickly, and i will so hold on to that little compliment as well as i ever can, treasure it, even to such an extent that everyone will grow weary of this calm, soothing, soft voice of mine.)


there's a wall and you just run through it

for the past month i've been on multiple, fantastic, mindblowing, lovely, awesome adventures all around europe. therefore no posts because sometimes real life just beats the cyber world.