
all the classical music in the world couldn't bleed as deeply as a brokenhearted teenager

i have heartbroken friends. it's sad how the only way to help them is to join them on cigarette breaks and make tea for them and dedicate some terribly cheesy song such as "dry your eyes" by the streets (THERE'S PLENTY MORE FISH IN THE SEA) because you yourself run out of comforting words and gestures.
but it's at least late winter/early spring. the best time to be heartbroken.

2 kommentarer:

H. sa...

Naw, titeln på inlägget. Dry your eyes mate är verkligen en sån låt. Det är så sad when it happens. Det finns ju inget att säga eller göra really, förutom att finnas där. Jää, jag tror det är en bra tid, om det någonsin finns någon bra tid för heartbrokeness, at least there are brighter times ahead liksom.

Veronica Fossa sa...

I know what you mean..I am myself a brokenhearted. And poor my friends.I don't envy them..